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CLEAN: 5 Steps to Wellbeing

Edited by Simon Whitby

Published by Resilience

CLEAN: 5 Steps to Wellbeing

CLEAN: 5 steps to mental health and wellbeing

Connect author_imgMaintain contact and make time to be with family, friends, colleagues, and neighbours. Connect with others at home or work and in your local community.



Try something new. Set yourself a challenge. Seek out an evening or daytime course. Take up a new (or old) hobby, learn to play an instrument, learn a new language or skill. Be creative!

Exerciseauthor_img Be active. Get some physical exercise. Get outside! Walk, run, cycle, swim, play, work out, garden or dance.

Acts Of Kindness author_imgGive. Do something nice for a friend or a stranger. Say thank you or just smile at others. Do some voluntary work or join a community group. Notice

author_img Be curious. Become aware and take notice of your environment. Catch sight of the beautiful, savour the moment. 5 Steps To Personal Wellbeing PDF